Submission – USAID – Long-term Assistance and SErvices for Research (LASER) (7200AA18RFA00004); January
24, 2018
the Long-term Assistance and SErvices for Research
(LASER) program, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
seeks to leverage and support international university networks, inclusive of
universities from both the United States (U.S.) and lower-middle income
countries (LMIC), to improve development research opportunities, evidence
generation, and uptake by development actors and policy makers. As part of the
Cooperative Agreement, USAID will support a recipient to identify new research
questions, fund research activities, translate research results into development
impact, and build capacity of local higher education institutions and
researchers. USAID seeks to support a recipient with a defined plan to achieve
these goals, with the specific details and workplan
proposed by the recipient, in consultation with USAID. USAID specifically seeks
to support an implementing partner whose workplan
includes the creation, engagement, and/or growth of a large, international
network of university researchers, centers, and institutes across disciplines
that can 1) independently identify and address new and impactful research
questions with high relevance to the international development community AND 2)
partner with USAID Missions, Bureaus, and Independent Offices (M/B/IOs) to
address unique research needs identified by USAID.
Amount: up to $14,000,000 per year for 5
to Funding Opportunity Announcement
1 Concept Note
To participate in the university’s selection process,please upload,
via this
a brief project overview (1/2 – 1 page) by January 9, 2018. Email a copy
of the file to your Associate Dean for Research.
Deadline: Concept
Note due January 24, 2018.