Submission - Powe, Ralph E. - Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards; November 16, 2012
Description: The Oak Ridge
Associated Universities (ORAU) is a consortium of 98 research colleges and
universities institutions, including the University of Kentucky that cultivates
collaborative partnerships that enhance the scientific research and education
enterprise of our nation. The Ralph E. Powe
Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards provide $5,000 to full-time assistant
professors within two years of their initial tenure track appointment
(1/11/2011 through 1/11/2013) at the time of application.
Research projects must be in one of the following five areas:
Link to full announcement:
Matching: The applicant’s institution is required to
match the award with at least an additional $5,000. This is a one-year grant
(June 1 to May 31).
Internal Competition:
Because the ORAU only allows each
member institution to submit two applications, the University of
Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the following material
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and to their Associate Dean for Research by Friday,
November 16, 2012:
(1) A two
page resume;
(2) an abstract or two-page description
of the proposed research;
(3) a
budget and justification for the $5,000 requested from ORAU; and
(4) the proposed source of matching
The Vice President for Research will appoint a
committee to review this information and make recommendations as to the
University’s submissions. The individuals selected will be notified and
the proposal will be submitted electronically to Oak Ridge by the Office of the
Vice President for Research for the January 11, 2013 deadline.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to
Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).