(Announcement)-A message from UK Vice President for Research; March 26, 2020






We have updated our COVID-19 Guidance for Researchers webpage, which now contains FAQs and additional links to helpful websites:  https://www.research.uky.edu/resources/covid-19-guidance-researchers. Please note under the “If we can’t be present on campus where much of our research takes place, how can we continue research?” question, we provide links to a number of on-line training programs, including Responsible Conduct of Research and the new Electronic Notebook from LabArchives. The specific trainings available can be found at the links below (additional information is provided on the FAQ website):

·         Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)https://www.research.uky.edu/responsible-conduct-research

·         Human Subjects Protection https://www.research.uky.edu/office-research-integrity/human-subject-protection-hsp-training-faqs

Please forward this to others in your college and departments to get the word out about these training opportunities and FAQ website. Check this site regularly as we plan to add new questions and answers as additional information becomes available and will update the answers if our situation changes.


Lisa Cassis, PhD

Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences

Vice President for Research