Climate Solutions Accelerator Grant; August 16, 2019
Nature Conservancy and the Doris Duke Charitable
the generous support of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The Nature
Conservancy is announcing a request for proposals for two additional rounds of
grant funding for projects with potential to substantially increase the use of
natural climate solutions through the U.S. Natural Climate Solutions
Accelerator program. This grant-funding program is focused on helping
kick-start innovative and scalable approaches to capturing greenhouse gas
emissions by using natural and working lands in the United States. The
program’s steering committee approved the first five grants in the fall of 2018
and plans to complete two additional rounds of grantmaking during the next 12
deadline for the second round of applications is August 16. Applicants can
request up to $250,000 per project. The third application period will be
announced in the early 2020. Up to $1.7M will be awarded in these two rounds of
grant making. In addition to financial support, recipients will be offered
mentorship, and connection to networks and new
2018 a new
TNC-led study found that Natural Climate
Solutions—which include reforestation, cover crops, coastal restoration, and
other management practices could prevent or
sequester more than one-fifth of annual U.S. greenhouse gas pollution—the
equivalent of removing the emissions from all U.S. cars and trucks from the
road. Or, to frame it another away, the equivalent of the entire annual
emissions from Brazil.
significant investments are now being made in renewable energy and other
technologies to decarbonize the energy sector, the Accelerator program seeks to
correspondingly increase investment in the oldest, and one of the most
cost-effective carbon capture technologies there is—nature. Over time,
the Accelerator strives to support and develop a portfolio of proven approaches
and mechanisms to deploying natural solutions that landowners, state and
federal governments, corporations, and other climate leaders can efficiently
implement on a broad scale.
16, 2019
to Full Announcement