Conferences-Registration Available for the Spring 2016 NSF Grants Conference in Portland, Oregon; January
14, 2016
Thank you for your interest in the Spring 2016
National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants Conference to be held in Portland,
Oregon from February 29th - March 1st, 2016. This two-day conference will be
hosted by Portland State University at the Portland Marriott Downtown
Waterfront. Registration for the event is now open. The
conference website includes a preliminary agenda as well as information about
the conference venue, hotel room reservations, and travel logistics.
Registration for the conference is available at:
We anticipate that this conference will reach capacity very quickly, so
please register as soon as possible to secure your attendance.
We hope that you will join NSF representatives, as well as your
colleagues—faculty, researchers, and grant administrators—representing colleges
and universities from across the U.S. in Portland. If you have any questions,
please contact us at
National Science Foundation