FUNDING-DOE/ARPA-E Request for Information - RFI: Upgrading Carbon Derived From Methane Pyrolysis (DE-FOA-0001936); June 4, 2018



Department of Energy – Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E)




The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through the Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy(ARPA-E) has released a Request for Information ONLY titled “RFI: Upgrading Carbon Derived From Methane Pyrolysis (DE-FOA-0001936)”.  The purpose of this RFI is solely to solicit input for ARPA-E consideration to inform the possible formulation of future programs. ARPA-E is seeking information concerning technologies to produce hydrogen and elemental carbon from the thermal decomposition of methane (also known as methane pyrolysis, methane cracking, or methane splitting). Recognizing that the value of the carbon product would be a key factor in the economic feasibility of such processes, ARPA-E seeks input from experts in the fields of materials science (including advanced carbon fiber synthesis), process engineering, methane pyrolysis, plasma chemistry, and chemical engineering regarding potential mechanisms for the bulk conversion of carbon materials, specifically from less valuable forms (e.g. amorphous carbon) or mixtures, to more valuable single allotropes or controlled mixtures of high-value carbon structures. Consistent with the agency’s mission, ARPA-E is seeking insights on clearly disruptive, novel technologies for such conversions, early in the R&D cycle, and not integration strategies for existing technologies.


Announcement Number:




Closing Date:


June 4, 2018


Link to Full Announcement


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