(FOA)-Solicitation on Topics Informing New Program Areas (DE-FOA-0001953); May 13, 2019



Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E)



ARPA-E recently added a new topic to the “Solicitation on Topics Informing New Program Areas,” a funding opportunity that enables ARPA-E to investigate potential new program areas. This announcement is purposely broad in scope, and will cover a wide range of topics to encourage the submission of the most innovative and unconventional ideas in energy technology. The objective of this solicitation is to support high-risk R&D leading to the development of potentially disruptive new technologies across the full spectrum of energy applications. Topics under this FOA will explore new areas of technology development that, if successful, could establish new program areas for ARPA-E, or complement the current portfolio of ARPA-E programs.  Cost sharing will not be required for any project submitted by aneducational institution or domestic nonprofit applying as a Standalone Applicant.  The new targeted topic is:


E. Quantification of Effectiveness of Nutrient Bioextraction by Seaweed

Nitrogen migration from anthropogenic sources, such as agricultural runoff or wastewater discharge, is responsible for eutrophication of marine systems causing anoxia, ecological disruption and reduction in productivity of natural systems and fisheries. Eutrophication can result in widespread “dead zones” and contribute to proliferation of toxic microalgae and/or cyanobacteria, as recently seen on Florida’s Gulf Coast.  One potential solution is the largescale cultivation of nitrogenfixing seaweeds in these eutrophic marine systems. Seaweeds are nonvascular macroalgae plants capable of rapid growth via carbon fixation and effective uptake of nitrogen, predominately in the form of nitrate. When deployed in eutrophic marine systems, cultivation of seaweeds on a large scale may provide local, and possibly regional, mitigation of excess nutrient concentration via bioextraction. ARPAE’s MARINER program targets the development and deployment of new technologies for the economically viable production of seaweeds on a scale sufficient for bioenergy production.   The effectiveness of deploying seaweed farms for nutrient concentration extraction will be significantly influenced by local and regional geographic conditions. It is therefore important to identify the geographies along US coastlines that are the most suitable candidates for testing and deploying this eutrophication mitigation strategy.  In addition to the revenue from the harvested seaweed, seaweed farms deployed in eutrophic marine areas could generate additional benefits – and potentially revenue – for the ecosystem services they provide. In order to appropriately value the nutrient mitigation services provided by seaweed cultivation, appropriate methodologies are needed for accurate, lowcost nitrogen monitoring within the context of seaweed farming systems to quantify the amount of nitrogen present and assimilated by seaweed cultivation. ARPAE seeks solutions that will add value to the MARINER program and provide technologytomarket (T2M) opportunities for large scale seaweed cultivation.


Announcement Number



Closing Date

May 13, 2019


Link to Full Announcement



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