(FOA)-PhRMA Foundation – Post Doctoral Fellowships in Drug Delivery and Drug Discovery;

May 15, 2020



Drug Delivery – Provides stipend support for individuals engaged in a multidisciplinary research training program that will create or extend their credentials and provide new skills in drug delivery research, including basic pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology or biomedical engineering.

Drug Discovery - Provides stipend support for individuals engaged in a multidisciplinary research training program that will create or extend their credentials and provide new skills in drug discovery research.



Applicants (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens) must have a firm commitment from a sponsor/mentor at an accredited U.S. university. The award supports candidates proposing to gain new skills in drug delivery research.

Ideal applicants will be within their first two years of postdoctoral study. Funding is for up to two years, but not beyond the third year of the existing post doctorate. While all applications involving drug delivery will be considered, preference will be given to individuals sponsored by a unit with responsibility for drug delivery training and research as part of its core mission. 

Applicants must hold a PhD or appropriate terminal research doctorate in a field related to the proposed postdoctoral activities or expect to receive such a degree before activating the award.


Closing Date:

Letter of Intent Due: May 15, 2020

Full Application by Invite Only Due: September 1, 2020


Link to Full Announcement:

Drug Delivery - http://www.phrmafoundation.org/2018-awards/post-doctoral-fellowships/drug-delivery-letter-of-intent-due-may-15-2020/

Drug Discovery - http://www.phrmafoundation.org/2018-awards/post-doctoral-fellowships/drug-discovery-loi-due-may-15-2020/


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