Impacts: Archaeology of Sustainability; April 22, 2020
Geographic Society
National Geographic Society has issued an RFP for its Enduring Impacts:
Archaeology of Sustainability initiative. The RFP is focused on the gathering
and analysis of archaeological, paleo-environmental, and paleo-climatological
data for the purposes of increasing the understanding of human-environmental
interactions over time and ultimately contributing to the mitigation of
environmental and climatic crises. According to NGS, current challenges such as
climate change, overpopulation, disruptions in food security, and loss of
habitat and biodiversity are the kinds of threats that were faced and sometimes
overcome by societies in the past. While the challenges the global community
faces today may be unprecedented in scale and demographic impact, there is a
wealth of information on how people articulated, mediated, and in many cases
impacted long-term environmental trends over millennia. This knowledge can be
employed in the development of future strategies in environmental sustainability
and resilience-building, and in understanding how human actions in the past
continue to affect present-day communities in their ability to tackle
environmental and climatic challenges.
should investigate human-environmental interactions over time, with a focus on
environmental conservation knowledge, practices, and technologies employed by
past societies and their impact on contemporary populations’ ability to mitigate
environmental and/or climatic stress; explore how effective present-day
environmental conservation strategies can be improved, diversified, and expanded
based on knowledge about past societies' relationship to the environment; and
delineate how the project's results can be used to create culturally and
environmentally suitable conservation strategies at the policy level and/or
collaborate with local communities to build sustainable environmental practices
and strengthen resilience in the face of climatic change. Applicants may request
up to $80,000.
is particularly interested in research proposals that generate one or more of
the following outputs: new archaeological, paleo-environmental, and
paleo-climatological datasets on human-environmental interactions that lead to
increased knowledge of environmental sustainability and resilience behavior in
an archaeological context; and local partnerships for collaboration (i.e., local
communities and/or policy makers), with the future goal of implementing data
gathered during the project in the mitigation of contemporary environmental
22, 2020
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