Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP); July-September
and USDA
interagency Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) intends to request proposals
through one or more formal Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) beginning
approximately July 2020 and remaining open 60 days. The intent of this
announcement is to provide an early alert to investigators interested in the
topics listed below so that they can begin considering responsive ideas with
potential partners and collaborators.
should recognize that final decisions regarding topic selection will not be
made until Spring of 2020 and that final topic
selection may differ from that posted here. One or more topics could be dropped
or added, and the specific focus of individual topics may be altered.
Investigators should recognize this uncertainty and not invest substantial time
or resources working on proposals until the FOAs and their associated topics
are formally posted.
Relative impacts of prescribed and wildland fire
the documented benefits of prescribed fire are numerous including habitat
improvement and hazardous fuel reduction, there are drawbacks as well, such as
reductions in air quality, which may impact human health. Prescribed fire is
often implemented with the assumption that it will mitigate the effects of
uncontrolled wildfire, because prescribed fire has been shown to reduce the
intensity of subsequent wildfire under certain conditions. This is desirable
because the impacts of wildfire are usually of a higher magnitude, larger in
size and intensity, and pose a risk to public safety. To fully evaluate the
trade-offs between prescribed fire programs and current wildfire impacts, an
assessment framework is vital. Currently, there is little information on the
spatial scale, frequency and spatial pattern at which prescribed fire begins to
have an impact on subsequent wildfire extent, intensity and severity. As a
result, JFSP is interested in proposals that improve our understanding of the
relationship between prescribed fire programs and subsequent wildfire
characteristics and this information is needed across a variety of vegetation
types and regions.
Types and distribution of ignitions and their relation to fire size and
approach to reducing the negative impacts of wildfire to social and ecological
values is to reduce the occurrence of human-caused wildfire ignitions with
targeted wildfire prevention strategies. Planning and implementing effective
fire prevention strategies requires detailed knowledge of the temporal and
spatial distribution of different wildfire ignition sources (e.g., arson,
accidental, lightning) and factors that influence whether different ignition
sources lead to development of large wildfires. As a result, JFSP is interested
in proposals that evaluate driving factors for the spatial and temporal
distribution of ignitions and the effectiveness of different fire prevention
actions as they relate to different human-caused
Science in support of fuel treatment performance metrics
it is relatively easy to document changes in fuels conditions following
treatments at finer spatial scales, there is currently no objective framework
to link fuel conditions to desired outcomes (e.g., reducing fire intensity and
severity, improving fire suppression efficacy, reducing resource loss) at the
landscape level. Such information is critical for developing cost-effective
strategies to address the threats of wildfire. One possible strategy is to
consider the evaluation of fuels treatment programs using a risk framework,
where the probability and intensity of wildfire is considered in conjunction
with valued resources. The development of a risk framework should assist
agencies in measuring the extent and duration of risk reduction that could be
achieved from a given fuel treatment. As a result, JFSP is interested in
proposals that improve our understanding of the impacts of fuels treatments on
fire suppression efficiency and protection of valued resources including the
development of fuel treatment performance metrics at landscape scales.
- Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN) Award
partnership with the Association for Fire Ecology, the Joint Fire Science
Program (JFSP) will likely continue the Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN)
program for current master and doctoral students in the field of wildland fire
and related physical, biological, and social sciences. The purpose of these
awards is to enhance student exposure to the management and policy relevance of
their research. As a result, these awards will enable graduate students to
conduct research that will supplement and enhance the quality, scope, or
applicability of their thesis or dissertation to develop information and
products useful to managers and decision-makers.
must describe new, unfunded work that extends ongoing or planned research that
is the subject of a thesis or dissertation that has been approved by the
graduate student’s advisory committee. Proposals must be directly related to
the mission and goals of JFSP to be considered, and they must address
management- or policy-related questions related to one or more of the following
general topic areas: fuels management and fire behavior, emissions and air
quality, fire effects and post-fire recovery, relative impacts of prescribed
fire versus wildfire, or human dimensions of fire. Note: The specific topics
eligible for GRIN proposals identified in the FOA may differ from those listed
Closing Date:
– September 2020
to Full Announcement