Submission – Dept. of Commerce - National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) – Advanced Materials Center of Excellence;
July 16, 2013
NIST is soliciting applications
to establish an Advanced Materials Center of Excellence in which NIST
researchers collaborate with interdisciplinary researchers from academia and
industry on advanced materials development through innovations in measurement
science and in new modeling, simulation, data, and informatics tools. NST
expects to make one award for a total of approximately $300,000 for eighteen months.
Competitive applications for a
Center should demonstrate the applicant’s ability to create and manage a
world-class research program aimed at broadly accelerating the
design, discovery, development and deployment of advanced materials by the
nation’s academic and industry enterprises. Proposed Centers should address two
broad challenges through a partnership with NIST:
Limited Submission: An organization may only be the lead organization on
one proposal.
the complete solicitation for additional details and requirements:
NIST only allows an organization to submit one proposal as the lead
organization under this competition, the University of Kentucky has established an
internal selection process. Individuals or departments interested in
administering this program are to submit the following materials
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a
copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, July 16, 2013:
Names and departments of Project Director
and key personnel
Brief project description (2 pages
maximum) including the research focus areas, engagement plan, computational
tools, and the evaluation metrics.
A committee will be appointed to
review the information and make a recommendation. The NIST deadline is August
12, 2013.
Questions about the submission process
may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for
Research ( or