Funding-DOD -- Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (FY17 ARMY SUBMISSION); August 1, 2016




Department of Defense
Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command




Notice seeking application supporting basic multidisciplinary research in science and engineering. The current solicitation focuses on Air Force (AFOSR) relevant topics, including: 

Foundations of Interactive Protocols for Quantum Computation and Communications;

Bioinspired Low-Energy Information Processing;

Autonomous Research Systems for Materials Development;

Beam/Wave Dynamics in Geometrically Complex Systems with Emitting Boundaries;

Atmospheric disturbances at high altitudes;

Revolutionary Advances in Computational Quantum Many Body Physics;

Melanin: Unique Biopolymers for Functional Precision Nanoscale Materials; 

Adaptive Oxides for Biomimetic Synapse Design via Modulation of Internal States. 


White papers and full proposals addressing the following topics should be submitted to the Office of Naval Research (ONR):

Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics of Polymer Dielectric Breakdown

Percept formation and scene analysis in echolocating systems

Phase Change Materials for Photonics

Event Representation and Episodic Memory

Nonlinear Phenomena and Interactions Induced by Short and Ultra-Short Pulsed Lasers in the Long-Wave Infrared Regime

High-Fidelity Simulation Methodologies for Multi-Phase Flows

Novel Approaches to Modeling Factions and Conflict

Assuring Composability and Correctness for Intelligent and Learning Systems that Interact with Unstructured Physical Environments


White papers and full proposals addressing the following topics should be submitted to the Army Research Office (ARO):

Additive 3D Self-Assembly of Responsive Materials

Anyons in 2D materials and cold Atomic gases

Characterization of Information Content in Data for Multimodal Data Analysis

Nutritional and Environmental Effects on the Gut Microbiome and Cognition

Spectral Decomposition and Control of Strongly Coupled Nonlinear Interacting Systems

Toward Room Temperature Exciton-Polaritonics

Cyber Deception through Active Leverage of Adversaries’ Cognition Process


Announcement Number:




Closing Date:


White papers due Aug 1, 2016; applications due Nov 15, 2016


Link to Full Announcement


Contact Information


Andrew L. Fiske
