Funding-Limited Submission – National Science Foundation (NSF) Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) (NSF 14-587); October 21, 2014


Description: Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) is an NSF-wide program that supports international activities across all NSF supported disciplines. The primary goal of PIRE is to support high quality projects in which advances in research and education could not occur without international collaboration. PIRE seeks to catalyze a higher level of international engagement in the U.S. science and engineering community. International partnerships are essential to addressing critical science and engineering problems. In the global context, U.S. researchers and educators must be able to operate effectively in teams with partners from different national environments and cultural backgrounds. PIRE promotes excellence in science and engineering through international collaboration and facilitates development of a diverse, globally-engaged, U.S. science and engineering workforce. This PIRE competition will be open to all areas of science and engineering research which are supported by the NSF. Researchers will submit a preliminary proposal. Full proposals will be by invitation only.


Institutional Limit: An organization may submit one preliminary proposal as the lead institution. Full proposals will be accepted by invitation only. There is no limit on the number of proposals in which an institution can participate as a partner.


See the complete program announcement for additional details and requirements:


Internal Competition: Because NSF limits the number of preliminary proposals with UK as the lead institution to one, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Prospective applicants interested in responding to this program should send the following information to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, August 19, 2014:

·         A brief description (2 pages maximum) of the proposed project, including the issue/topic, the overall goal, approaches, expected outcomes, and the benefit of the international collaboration.


A committee will be appointed to review the information and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)


NSF Preliminary Proposal Deadline: October 21, 2014

NSF Full INVITED Proposal Deadline: May 15, 2015

visit the COBRE website at: or contact Lou Hersh at: