Submission – U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – All Children
Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development (ACR-GCD), Round 2 Grant Competition (ACR-GC2); March 12,
request for applications focuses on technology-based innovations to achieve the
ACR GCD’s goal to improve the reading scores of students in grades/levels one
to three. The expected outcome of Round 2 is: Improved reading scores for
students. To achieve this outcome, Applicants must choose to address a
specific problem in one of the following focus areas: (1) Mother tongue
instruction and reading materials, (2) Family and community engagement, or (3)
Children with disabilities.
of Award: Approximately
three awards per focus area will be made, with a total of $900,000 available
under each focus area. Cost sharing is required and each Applicant must
demonstrate a minimum of 5 percent cost share.
Program Solicitation:
Limited Submission: Up to two
(2) applications may be submitted by the same organization, but each application
must be associated with a different primary contact (project manager) and
propose a different project. For the purposes of this requirement, the
same organization will include any parent or subsidiary organization, or other
affiliated organization with any common ownership or control.
Due to the organizational limits for this funding opportunity, interested
applicants must notify the Proposal Development Office (
or 257-2861) of intent to apply by Wednesday, March 12, 2014.
Include an estimated budget with match and
potential sources of funding for that match. Note: Because of
ongoing commitments, the Office of the Vice President for Research is unable to
provide matching funds.
USAID deadline for submission of concept notes is April 10, 2014. Full
applications, if invited to submit one, are due July 15, 2014.