Submission - NSF Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) NSF
11-567; September 8, 2011
program seeks to enhance and expand the national resource of digital data
documenting existing vouchered biological and paleontological collections and
to advance scientific knowledge by improving access to digitized information
(including images) residing in vouchered scientific collections across the
United States. The information associated with various collections of
organisms, such as geographic, paleogeographic and
stratigraphic distribution, environmental habitat data, phenology,
information about associated organisms, collector field notes, and tissues
and molecular data extracted from the specimens, is a rich resource providing
the baseline from which to further biodiversity research and provide critical
information about existing gaps in our knowledge of life on earth. The national
resource is structured at three levels: a central coordinating organization, a
series of thematic networks based on an important research theme, and the
physical collections. The national resource builds upon a sizable existing
national investment in curation of the physical
objects in scientific collections and contributes vitally to scientific
research and technology interests in the United States. It will become an
invaluable tool in understanding contemporary biological issues and challenges.
page for more information and solicitation:
Because NSF limits an institution to one
the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process.
Researchers interested in submitting a proposal are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice
President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for
Research by Thursday, September 8,
• Specify type of
proposal –Thematic Collections Network (TCN) or Partners to Existing Networks
• The names and
departments of the Principal Investigator (PI), project personnel and other
partners or collaborators
• A project overview
describing project goals, activities and management plans (1-2 p. max.).
committee will be convened to review this information and make recommendations.
The NSF deadline is October 31, 2011. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in
the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or