Funding-NIH - Dose
Response and Efficacy Studies on the Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on
Functional Outcomes in Elderly (U01); August 23, 2013
Institute on Aging (NIA)
Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)
National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for a clinical trial on
effects of vitamin D supplementation on falls and gait speed in older
individuals. During the six-year support period, the awardee will implement a
randomized controlled trial with sufficient power to determine the
dose–response and efficacy of vitamin D supplementation in preventing falls,
across a range of doses and baseline vitamin D levels. A measurement of
effects of supplementation on gait speed should be proposed as a secondary
outcome. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider advanced,
cost-efficient designs that include a dose-ranging phase followed by an
efficacy phase for select doses (e.g., adaptive designs). The first nine months
of the award will provide funds to conduct pilot studies to test recruitment
strategies, determine the proportion of those screened who are both eligible
and willing to be randomized, and finalize the study protocol, data collection
forms and manual of procedures for the trial.
Activity Code: U01 Research Project –
Cooperative Agreements
Announcement Number: RFA-AG-14-001
Closing Date: LOI August
23, 2013; September 23, 2013, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
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