Funding-FWS - Fiscal
Year 2014 Recovery Implementation Fund; July 31, 2014
and Wildlife Service
The FWS Ecological Services Program provides
Federal financial assistance on a competitive basis to States, other Federal
agencies, landowners, educators, non-profit organizations, researchers, and
other partners to secure information about endangered, threatened or candidate
species, to aid in the recovery of these species, to avert listing of species
pursuant to the Endangered Species Act, and to help conserve the ecosystems
upon which these species depend. The FWS and National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS), which is part of the Department of Commerce’s NOAA Fisheries office,
share Endangered Species Act responsibilities for several species such as sea
turtles. We have responsibility for sea turtles when they are on land, and NMFS
has responsibility for sea turtles when they are in the water. Projects for
NMFS-managed species are not included in this funding opportunity. This
Recovery Implementation funding opportunity is intended for projects that will
contribute to the recovery of FWS-managed endangered and threatened species in
the United States, and is limited to projects carrying out actions described in
a species approved recovery plan, in the implementation schedule of a species¿
approved recovery plan, actions recommended in a completed 5-year status review
of the species or in a spotlight species action plan, or projects documenting species
response to climate change. For example: securing scientific information about
endangered or threatened species, implementing restoration actions that will
lead to delisting of a species, help prevent extinction of a species, or aid in
the recovery of a species. Projects that address species response to climate
change will receive additional consideration.
Number: F14AS00134
Date: Jul 31, 2014
to Full Announcement
Kelly Niland,
Grants Manager, 703-358-2492