Submission – Avon Foundation for Women Breast Health Outreach Program; August 2, 2011
The Avon Foundation for Women has funded
community‐based programs designed to improve
utilization of regular breast cancer screening by at‐risk
populations (minority and underinsured) since 1993. Despite improvements in the
availability of free and low‐cost screening
services supported through programs such as the National Breast and Cervical
Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP), disparities in utilization of
mammography persist. Socioeconomically disadvantaged women and recent
immigrants have lower rates of mammography screening, and may be less likely to
receive proper treatment of follow‐up care.
The Avon BHOP will seek to support programs
recruit women for
both first time screening and annual screening;
partnerships between community‐based
outreach providers and local medical providers;
work with healthcare
providers to ensure proper clinical follow‐up
of abnormal screening results; and
educate older women about Medicare coverage of annual
screening mammograms and assist them in obtaining the service from providers
who accept Medicare.
The Avon BHOP encourages programs to
implement evidence‐based strategies to increase utilization of
breast cancer screening. In addition to reducing out‐of‐pocket
expenses by linking women with free or low‐cost screening
services, these strategies include the use of client reminders (letters,
postcards, or phone calls); small media (videos, brochures, or newsletters);
one‐to‐one education (in
person or by phone, in clinical or non‐clinical settings);
and strategies to remove structural barriers (such as providing transportation,
mobile screening, flexible hours, interpretation or translation, and/or
childcare assistance).
more information see:
one application for funding will be reviewed per organization.
the Foundation will review only one application per organization, UK will hold
an internal competition. Individuals interested in submitting an application
should send the following information electronically to the Office of the
Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, August 2, 2011:
Name and
department of the project director/principal investigator
Brief narrative
describing the program (2 pages)
committee will be convened to review the applications and make a
recommendation. The selected applicant will be notified and identified as the
individual authorized to submit the application before the August 26, 2011
about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of
the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663.)