Research in
Integrated Assessment Inter-Model Development, Testing and Diagnostics; March 1, 2010
The Office of
Biological and Environmental Research (BER) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE), hereby announces its
interest in receiving grant applications for Research in Integrated Assessment
Inter-Model Development, Testing, and Diagnostics under the Integrated
Assessment Research Program (IARP). The IARP, located within the Climate and
Environmental Sciences Division (CESD) of BER, supports the DOE mission and the
U.S. Global Change Research Program’s interests to improve fundamental
understanding of the interactions between human and natural systems in climate
change, including the central role and implications for energy systems, and to
develop the integrated, science-based models and tools that inform national and
regional decision-making on options for mitigation and adaptation. In the
broadest sense, IARP is concerned with modeling in collective frameworks, the
end-to-end processes of climate change and the complex x, non-linear
interactions among major human and natural systems. To strengthen the scientific
foundations upon which Integrated Assessment models are built, DOE is requesting
applications for a single, coordinated research effort that will: 1) advance
progress on a select set of major scientific challenges in the field of
Integrated Assessment that are widely recognized and confronting the major
Integrated Assessment modeling teams, 2) advance methods and capabilities for
inter-model testing and diagnostics, and 3) enhance capabilities for
multi-model, ?ensemble-like? analyses for improved
insights in science studies and science-based analyses.
Number: DE-FOA-0000219
Closing Date: Mar 01, 2010
Link to Full
Deborah A. Greenawalt, Grants Analyst, 301-903-4074
W. Vallario, Technical - Scientific Program Contact,