Submission – NSF Climate Change
Education Partnership Alliance Office (CCEPA Office) (13-513);
November 15, 2012
In FY 2012, NSF funded six Phase II Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP-II)
projects. The PIs, Co-PIs and significant partners of the six CCEP-II projects
constitute the CCEP "network". The lead PIs for the
six projects comprise the CCEP Alliance (CCEPA), which will convene on a
regular basis in order to identify common needs and opportunities for
collaboration across the CCEP network. Key to the success of this networked
approach is the creation of a CCEP Alliance Office (CCEPA Office), which will:
facilitate communication among the projects participating within the CCEP-II
network; enable and nurture cross-project coordination and collaboration, such
as assisting with data collection for a program-wide evaluation undertaken by
NSF; and, support dissemination of resources developed by the CCEP-II network
to the larger scientific community and the public. The CCEPA Office is also
expected to foster coordination of CCEP-II activities with the larger climate
change education community.
Limit on Number of Proposals per
1. Collaborative
Proposals submitted as separate submissions from multiple organizations are NOT
allowed for this competition.
Internal Competition: Because NSF limits the number of proposals to one
per institution, the University of Kentucky has established an internal
selection process. Prospective applicants interested in responding to this
program are asked to send a pre-proposal with the following information to the
Office of the Vice President for Research at and to their Associate Dean for
Research by Thursday, November 15, 2012:
The Vice President for Research will appoint
a committee to review the material and make recommendations as to the
University’s applicant. Questions about the submission process may be sent to
Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663).
Letter of Intent (required): December 6, 2012
Full Proposal: February 5, 2013