Funding-Centers for
Chemical Innovation; October 25, 2011
Science Foundation
Centers for Chemical Innovation (CCI) Program supports research centers focused
on major, long-term fundamental chemical research challenges. CCIs that address
these challenges will produce transformative research, lead to innovation, and
attract broad scientific and public interest. CCIs are agile structures that
can respond rapidly to emerging opportunities and make full use of cyberinfrastructure to enhance collaborations. CCIs may
partner with researchers from industry, government laboratories and
international organizations. CCIs integrate research, innovation, education,
and public outreach and include a plan to broaden participation of
underrepresented groups. The CCI program is a two-phase program. Both phases
are described in this solicitation. Phase I CCIs receive significant resources
to develop the science and integrative elements of a CCI before requesting
Phase II funding. Phase I proposals funded in FY 2012 will seek Phase II
funding in FY 2015. Only organizations receiving Phase I awards in FY2009 are
eligible to request Phase II funding in FY 2012.For the FY 2012 Phase I
competition, only projects addressing the theme of sustainable chemistry will
be considered. The preliminary proposal and proposal must address how the topic
addresses sustainable chemistry. Areas of focus include but are not limited to
1. Developing clean, safe, and economical alternatives to
traditional chemical products and practices.2. Exploring
alternatives to petroleum as a source of feedstock chemicals, including biorenewables. 3. Exploring earth-abundant,
inexpensive and benign alternatives to rare, expensive and toxic chemicals.
Examples include indium, germanium, rare earth elements and platinum
catalysts.4. Developing efficient recognition/sequestration and recycling of
key elements essential for sustainability, for example phosphorus and rare earth
elements. Projects involving alternative energy, climate change and other
aspects of sustainability are best supported by the SEES solicitations and will
not be considered in CCI in FY2012.
Oct 25, 2011
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NSF support