Submission - CDC- Public Health Conference Support Program CDC-RFA-EH12-1201; January 10, 2012
Purpose: The Federal Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry (ATSDR) announce the pending availability of appropriated
fiscal year (FY) 2012 funds for the CDC/ATSDR Public Health Conference
Support Program for conferences planned to occur within the date range of May
1, 2012 through April 30, 2013.
100.1 Health effects of hazardous substances in the
environment and other environmental hazards (e.g., radiation, algal blooms)
100.2 Disease and toxic substance exposure registries
100.3 Preventing and mitigating exposures to hazardous
100.4 Lead Poisoning Prevention/Healthy Homes
100.5 Environmental Health Services Capacity Building
100.6 Built Environment/Healthy Community Design
100.7 Brownfields and Land Reuse
100.8 Air Pollution, Respiratory Health, Asthma
100.9 Environmental Public Health Surveillance and Tracking
100.10 Laboratory Sciences (e.g., newborn screening,
clinical chemistry, organic and inorganic analytical toxicology, nutritional
biochemistry, air toxicants, molecular biology)
100.11 Emergency Preparedness and Response (e.g., chemical,
environmental, radiological, or natural disasters; climate change)
100.12 Environmental Health Communication, Marketing, Risk
Communication, and Health Education
100.13 Environmental Health Policy
100.14 Environmental Health Workforce Development
on Number of Applications
organizations may submit only one application per institution (normally
identified by having a unique DUNS number).
Competition: Because
CDC limits an institution to one submission, the University of Kentucky has
established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in applying
are to submit the following material electronically to the Office of the
Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 10, 2012:
committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations as to
the University’s submission. Questions about the submission process may be sent
to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Letter of Intent (not required): January 18, 2012
proposal deadline: February 2, 2012