Submission: CDC - Grants for Injury Control Research Centers (CDC - RFA-CE-14-001); June 20, 2013
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is seeking
applications from qualified organizations for Injury Control Research Center
(ICRC) grants. These centers will conduct high quality research and help
translate scientific discoveries into practice for the prevention and control
of fatal and nonfatal injuries, violence, and related disabilities that support
NCIPC’s priorities and mission. The new FOA will fund ICRC applications in two
categories: 1) comprehensive centers and 2) developmental centers. The
comprehensive center awards are similar in scope to the currently funded
ICRCs. The developmental center awards are smaller in scope than the
comprehensive center awards and are designed to build capacity in core
activities and infrastructure with a smaller portion of the award devoted to
research activities. They will be reviewed separately from the comprehensive
center applications and will be made to institutions that have never been
successfully funded under NCIPC’s ICRC grant program.
intends to fund up to five applications: three comprehensive center awards
(maximum $900,000 total funds per year for five years) and two developmental
centers (maximum of $450,000 total funds per year for five years).
Components for a Comprehensive Center
Components for a Developmental Center
· Administrative Core –
Project Director must devote no less than 50% effort each year; must be senior
author on at least three peer-reviewed injury and/or violence-related
publications, and have received injury and/or or violence prevention and
control research grant funding in the last 10 years
· Training, Education
and Outreach Core
· Research Project –
one is required, with a project period of three to four years and total budget
between $100,000 and $200,000 per year
Limit: Only
one applicant per institution (normally identified by having a unique DUNS
number) is allowed. Applicants and/or institutions may not apply for both a
comprehensive and a developmental center award under this FOA.
on sponsor’s priorities and link to opportunity instructions and application:;jsessionid=SGvhRhDhvD8FqTbK3k4WstdknctM31LksvKvsLR9pmJrmVJp1Vxh!1492515925?oppId=233534&mode=VIEW
Competition: Because
CDC limits an institution to one submission for either a Comprehensive or a
Developmental Center, the University of Kentucky has established an internal
selection process. Researchers interested in applying are to submit the
following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, June 20, 2013:
committee will be convened to review the material and make recommendations as
to the University’s submission. Questions about the submission process may be
sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663.)
Optional Letter of Intent Deadline Date: September 6, 2013
proposal deadline: November 4, 2013