Funding-Limited Submission – NIH/NCCAM -
Centers of Excellence for Research on CAM (CERC; P01); May 15, 2012
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (NCCAM) has issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement to encourage
applications proposing research of high-priority to NCCAM that require
synergistic collaboration between outstanding scientists and the synthesis of
multiple research approaches by multi-disciplinary research teams. The CERC
mechanism is designed to support research in which the funding of three or four
synergistic, highly meritorious projects as a group offers significant scientific
advantages over support of the same projects as individual research grants.
Each CERC must consist, throughout the duration of the award, of three or four
research projects, focused on basic, mechanistic, and/or translational research
questions relevant to the research priorities described in the current NCCAM Strategic Plan.
See the complete PAR
for guidelines and additional information:
Competition: Because
the NIH limits an institution to one application, the University
of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Prospective
applicants interested in responding to this program should send a
pre-proposal with the following information to the Office of the Vice President
for Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, May 15, 2012:
1. Names and departments of the Program
Director/Principal Investigator and key personnel including the PIs of the
proposed CERC’s research projects
Identify the
central research focus of the CERC and list the titles and PIs of three
interrelated research projects that will comprise the CERC
committee will be appointed to review the information and make recommendations.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the
Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.) The next NIH
deadline is September 25, 2012