Funding-Community Networks Program (Limited Submission); November 3, 2009
The Community Networks Program (CNP) is designed to address the
cancer burden in racial/ethnic minorities and other underserved populations by using
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). This
funding opportunity announcement (FOA) solicits applications for CNP Centers
that will utilize the CBPR approach to reduce specific cancer disparities
through a combination of outreach, research and training. The goal of the CNP
Centers is to increase knowledge of, access to, and utilization of beneficial
biomedical and behavioral procedures related to cancer in areas ranging from
prevention to early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. In this
CNP issuance, a particular emphasis is on high quality intervention research
involving controlled and rigorous studies. Applicant teams must be based on
established partnerships between academic institution(s) and targeted community
entities/community-serving healthcare organizations. The partnering community
components are expected to contribute substantially to the design of the Center
programs proposed in the applications. The proposed Centers may involve a
“Headquarters” site and additional locations in different geographic areas. A
Center with Headquarters and at least 4 additional sites in defined geographic
areas is referred to as a “National Center”. Other centers, referred to as
“Regional Centers”, must be composed of a Headquarters and
2-3 additional sites in defined geographical areas. This FOA is open to all qualified applicants regardless of whether or
not they participated in the previous CNP issuance.
The NCI intends to commit up to $23.57
million in total costs in FY 2010 and up to $117.85 million in total costs over
a 5-year period to support up to 23 awards (of which up to five awards may be
for National Centers). Because the nature and scope of the proposed work will
vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size of each
award will vary. Total costs requested for a Regional Center may not exceed
$900,000 in the first year. Total costs requested or awarded for a National
Center may not exceed $1.5 million in the first year. For both types of
Centers, funding may be requested for 5-year periods with standard 3% cost of
living increases allowed for years 2-5.
anticipates holding a pre-application meeting to which all interested
prospective applicants are invited. The meeting will include: (1) a
presentation by the NCI program staff members to explain the objectives of the
Community Networks Program and goals and requirements for Centers for Reducing
Disparities through Outreach, Research and Training; (2) discussion (by the NCI
review staff members) of the application peer review process; and (3) questions
and answers session. An NCI Grants Management Specialist will be available to
answer financial questions. The meeting will take place on October 22, 2009 at
the NIH Main campus in the Natcher Building (Bldg.
45), Room E1/E2 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (EST). The meeting also will be videocast (
with an opportunity for internet viewers to submit questions by e-mail ( before and during
the pre-application meeting. Updates and further details about the meeting will
be available at
NIH limits an institution to only one application, the University of Kentucky has established an internal
selection process. Individuals interested in submitting to this program are to send the following information
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for
Research by Tuesday, November 3, 2009:
and departments of the Project Director and key personnel
the type of CNP Center and sites being proposed:
a National CNP Center – identify the “headquarters” and the 4 additional sites
in defined geographical areas in which the partnering community
institutions/organization and/or targeted populations are situated
a Regional CNP Center – identify the “headquarters” and the 2-3 additional
sites in defined geographical areas in which the partnering community
institutions/organization and/or targeted populations are situated
(4-5 pages) briefly describe: a) the
proposed research project for a controlled intervention, b) an existing
research activity with one or more community-based organizations addressing a
reduction in health disparities, c) the proposed pilot education research
project, and d) the proposed training infrastructure program.
A committee will be appointed to review the information
and make recommendations as to the University’s submission in time for the
November 15, 2009 letter of intent and the December 15, 2009 deadline.
Questions about the submission process may be sent
to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Sent to: Chairs: Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Health
Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health; Directors MC Centers, UKHealthcare, Dir. Grad. Centers; VPR Cabinet, RMG, LS,
OSPA, PDO; subject lists: community
engagement, health disparities, cancer, health services, public health, rural
health, social work; selected researchers
Proposal Development Office
Office of the Vice President for Research
346 Bowman Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0059
Phone: (859) 257-2861; FAX: (859)