Funding-Consortium of Food Allergy Research
(CoFAR) and CoFAR Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center; October 9, 2009
Announcement Type
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is
a reissue of RFA-AI-04-034.
Request For Applications (RFA)
Number: RFA-AI-09-039
of Federal Domestic Assistance Number(s)
93.855, 93.847
Key Dates
Release Date: July 7, 2009
Letters of Intent Receipt Date: October 9, 2009
Application Receipt Date: November 10, 2009
Peer Review Date: March, 2010
Council Review Date: May 2010
Earliest Anticipated Start Date: July 2010
Additional Information To Be
Available Date (Url Activation Date):
Expiration Date: November 11, 2009
Due Dates for E.O. 12372
Not Applicable.
Additional Overview Content
- Purpose. This FOA issued by the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),
National Institutes of Health (NIH), solicits grant applications for the
continuation and expansion of the Consortium of Food Allergy Research (CoFAR). The Consortium will consist of a collaborative
clinical research program to develop new approaches to treat and prevent IgE-mediated food allergy, including food
allergy-associated anaphylaxis and food allergy-associated eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease (EGID). Within
the context of these disorders, the goals of the program are to: (1)
develop immune intervention strategies for prevention and treatment, (2)
identify the mechanisms underlying the natural histories of these
disorders, and (3) define the genetic components of these disorders. The
consortium may consist of both collaborative multi-project as well as
individual research projects. In addition this FOA will provide support
for one Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center (SACCC) to support
the clinical research.
- Mechanism of Support. This FOA will utilize the U19
(multi-project) and U01 (single project) cooperative agreement award mechanisms.
- Funds Available and Anticipated
Number of Awards. The total amount of funding that NIAID and NIDDK expect
to award through this announcement in FY10 is $5.25 million in total
costs, which includes $3.65 million in total costs for one to three CoFAR U19 and/or U01 research awards and $1.6 million
in total costs for one CoFAR SACCC U01
- Budget and
Project Period. NIAID and NIDDK expect to award through this
announcement $3.65 million for one to three U19 and/or U01 CoFAR research program awards and $1.6 million for one
U01 CoFAR SACCC award. An applicant may request
a project period of up to 5 years.
- Eligible
Institutions/Organizations. Institutions/organizations
listed in Section
III, 1.A. are eligible to apply.
- Eligible Project Directors/Principal
Investigators (PDs/PIs). Individuals with the
skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research
are invited to work with their institution/organization to develop an
application for support. Individuals from underrepresented racial and
ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are always
encouraged to apply for NIH support.
- Number of PDs/PIs. More than one PD/PI (i.e.,
multiple PDs/PIs), may be designated on the application.
- Number of Applications. Applicants may submit only
a single application in response to this FOA, either a U19 or U01 CoFAR research grant application or a U01 CoFAR SACCC application. Individuals may only be a PD/PI, or Project Leader (PL) on one application.
- Resubmissions. Resubmission applications are not
permitted in response to this FOA
- Renewals. Renewal applications are permitted
in response to this FOA.
- Special Date(s). This FOA
uses non-standard due dates. See Receipt,
Review and Anticipated Start Dates.
Application Materials. See Section
IV.1 for
application materials