Funding-DOE -
Building Energy Efficiency Frontiers and Incubator Technologies (BENEFIT);
April 21, 2014
Golden Field Office
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has issued, on behalf
of the Building Technologies Office (BTO), a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
entitled Building Energy Efficiency Frontiers and Incubator Technologies
(BENEFIT) - 2014, Number DE-FOA-0001027. The FOA is posted on the EERE eXCHANGE website at Mandatory concept
papers must be submitted through the EERE eXCHANGE
website by March 6, 2014, followed by full applications due by April 21, 2014.
Applicants must first register and create an account on the EERE eXCHANGE website. A User Guide for EERE eXCHANGE
can be found at
after logging in to the system. The BENEFIT FOA includes the following Areas of
Interest: Incubators (Off-Roadmap): Area of Interest 1: Open Topic for Energy
Efficiency Solutions for Residential and Commercial Buildings Innovative
energy-efficiency technologies, approaches, or design tools NOT already
supported or targeted by BTO are eligible to apply under this area of interest,
providing they show a clear application to residential and/or commercial
buildings with significant primary energy savings potential. Area of Interest
2: Innovative Sensors & Sensor Systems Develop open architecture sensors
and sensor systems that easily share data to enable building operators and
owners to cost effectively capture energy and cost savings through the use of
new and existing control system applications. Major goals in this development
area are low cost, data sharing, and ease of deployment (plug-n-play
methodologies). Frontiers (Roadmap-Driven): Area of Interest 3: Advanced
Energy-Efficient Clothes Dryers Applications are sought for advanced
energy-efficient clothes dryers (vented and ventless).
Economic and technical goals are defined for this area. Furthermore, concepts
with measurable non-energy benefits, which are important for market success,
are particularly encouraged. Area of Interest 4: Highly Insulating Building
Envelope Components Subtopic 1, Visibly transparent building envelope
components: There are technical and economic goals for this area that are
significant improvements of current technology. Performance metrics include
≥ R-7 (residential) and ≥ R-5 (commercial). Subtopic 2, Opaque
building envelope components: The metrics and targets for this subtopic are
> R-8/inch building envelope thermal insulation material that can be added
to either the exterior or interior walls in existing buildings at <
$0.30/ft2 installed cost premium (labor and material).
Apr 21, 2014
to Full Announcement’
Andrew Rittgers