Funding-Expanded Food and Nutrition
Education Program Information System Project; August 12, 2009
The purpose of the EFNEP-ISP is to
fund the design, building, testing, and implementation of a web-based EFNEP information
system which 1) supports local, university/state/territory, and federal
evaluation and reporting elements of the current Nutrition Education Evaluation
Reporting System (NEERS) (; 2) improves functionality of
the existing system while maintaining security and ease of use; and 3)
synchronizes EFNEP with other Agency and University data collections systems
such as CSREES’ new standard report, REE Port, and the Community Nutrition
Logic Model. Completion of this project will require a high level of
interaction among EFNEP staff and information technology (IT) personnel at the
federal and university/state/territory level. This is necessary in order to
meet local and university/state/territory programmatic and reporting needs
which are nested within the federal reporting and evaluation structure.
Announcement Number: USDA-CSREES-EXCA-002445
Closing Date: Aug 12, 2009
Link to Full Announcement