Funding-Dept. of Ed.
- Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) Program CFDA Number 84.066A; April 4,
of Education
organization may submit more than one application to this Educational
Opportunity Centers (EOC) Program so long as each application describes a
project that serves a different target area (34 CFR 644.10(a)). The term
‘‘target area’’ is defined as a geographic area served by a project (34 CFR
644.7(b)). If interested in submitting an application to this
opportunity, please contact the Proposal Development Office with an
indication of the target area that your project will serve. If multiple
investigators identify the same target area, an internal competition will be
held to determine who UK’s applicant will be for this opportunity.
purposes of the EOC Program are to: provide information regarding financial and
academic assistance available for qualified adults who want to enter or
continue to pursue a program of postsecondary education; provide assistance to
those individuals in applying for admission to institutions at which a program
of postsecondary education is offered, including preparing necessary
applications for use by admissions and financial aid officers; and assist in
improving the financial and economic literacy of program participants. An
Educational Opportunity Centers project may provide the following services: (1)
Public information campaigns designed to inform the community regarding
opportunities for postsecondary education and training; (2) Academic advice and
assistance in course selection; (3) Assistance in completing college admission
and financial aid applications; (4) Assistance in preparing for college
entrance examinations; (5) Education or counseling services designed to improve
the financial literacy and economic literacy of students; (6) Guidance on
secondary school reentry or entry to a general educational development (GED)
program or other alternative education program for secondary school dropouts;
(7) Individualized personal, career, and academic counseling; (8) Tutorial
services; (9) Career workshops and counseling; (10) Mentoring programs
involving elementary or secondary school teachers, faculty members at
institutions of higher education (IHEs), students, or any combination of these
persons; and (11) Programs and activities as described in items (1) through
(10) that are specially designed for students who are limited English
proficient, students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in
postsecondary education, students with disabilities, students who are homeless
children and youths, students who are in foster care or are aging out of the
foster care system, or other disconnected students. (12) Other activities
designed to meet the purposes of the EOC Program.
4, 2016
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