Funding-EPA - FY 2012
Support of the Five Star Restoration Training Grant; July 16, 2012
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting proposals from
eligible applicants to manage the Five Star Restoration Training Grant.
Specifically, EPA is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants to: 1)
prepare and advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP), establish review criteria
for evaluating and selecting subawardee proposals,
and make subawards to support environmental training
through voluntary, community/watershed-based wetland restoration projects that
provide ecological and socioeconomic benefits to the surrounding communities
and their citizens; 2) oversee and monitor subawardees
for successful completion of the restoration training projects; 3) provide
technical support to subawardees through peer-to-peer
outreach to broaden participation in restoration training projects; 4)
qualitatively and quantitatively measure and report on the environmental
results of the restoration training projects accomplished through the subawards; and 5) develop a strategy to promote and grow the
Five Star Restoration Training Grant program over the life of the cooperative
agreement. The competitive subaward process proposed
by the applicant must be on a national scale by allowing for subaward proposals for restoration training projects from
across the 50 United States, Tribal Lands, Puerto Rico, the District of
Columbia, and the U.S. Territories.
Number: EPA-OW-OWOW-12-02
Date: Jul
16, 2012
to Full Announcement
Price, 202-566-1225