Submission – NSF EarthScope National Office (ESNO) NSF 10-576; July 15, 2010
solicitation calls for proposals to establish a community-based EarthScope National Office. The Office will foster
and support integrated science, education, outreach, and related activities for
the EarthScope program; facilitate and coordinate EarthScope scientific planning and education and outreach
activities; facilitate collaborative research; and when necessary, form
scientific responses to “events” in EarthScope topics
and/or regions of interest.
Information and Program Solicitation:
Internal Selection Process
Because an institution may submit only one proposal, the
University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process.
Researchers interested in submitting a proposal are to submit the following
materials electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a
copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, July 15, 2010:
Title of project and the names and departments of the principal
investigator, key personnel, and any partners;
A brief description of the proposed project including its goals
and activities. (1-2 pages);
Vice President for Research will appoint a committee to review the material and
make recommendations as to the University’s applicant. The
NSF deadline for full proposals is October 1, 2010. Questions about the
submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice
President for Research ( or