Funding-DOI-FWS - Migratory Bird Joint Ventures Midwest Region FY2015 Opportunities; January 9, 2015    




Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service




The goal of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Joint Venture (JV) Office is to assist partners in implementing effective science-based bird conservation projects in the Prairie Pothole (PPJV) and Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes (UMRGLJV) Joint Venture regions. Each JV has an Implementation Plan and conservation strategies identifying bird habitat, monitoring, and research needs with an emphasis on JV focal species. These plans and associated research and monitoring needs can be found at and Both JVs have identified priority evaluation needs to fill information gaps and test assumptions used in plan development. Proposals for monitoring and applied research that improve JV conservation decision tools at larger scales (e.g., Bird Conservation Region) will be given higher grant priority. In addition, projects to address conservation priorities in State Wildlife Action Plans (, and for JV focal species, should be highlighted. Proposals related to coordination, outreach, planning, and bird habitat restoration enhancement contributing toward goals identified in the JV plans will also be considered, if adequate funds are available. All submissions should explain how the outcome of proposed projects is regional in scope. All proposals should have a minimum 1:1 match of non-Federal dollars to Joint Venture request, and the partners providing secured match must be identified. Each proposal must include: applicant contact information, a detailed scope of work including justification, objectives or hypotheses, scope and location, clearly-explained project methods, anticipated outcomes, management implications, literature cited, proposed project timeline, a budget table identifying partners and match, a task timeline, and project-cost details. The linkage between proposed research/monitoring projects and a JV Implementation Plan must be clearly stated. Upon completion, a professional project report with abstract, detailed background, methods, results, discussion, and management implications is required, and annual interim reports are required for multiple-year projects. Though out-year (future) funding for multi-year projects cannot be guaranteed, continued funding of multiple-year projects will be conditionally approved once they are first selected. Progress reports, updated budgets, and requests for continued funding on multi-year proposals should be submitted to the Joint Venture Coordinator by 3 January each year until project completion. Proposed projects requiring funding from multiple sources to meet anticipated costs should clearly identify all funding sources and their status. Proposals requesting grant funds for indirect costs must be supported by an approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. Due to potential delays in Federal appropriations, projects should not have a start date sooner than 1 July 2015.


Announcement Number:




Closing Date:


January 9, 2015.


Link to Full Announcement


Contact Information


Andrew Forbes
