Funding-First Round
Innovation Grant RFA for Global Center for Food Systems Innovation; September
10, 2013
The Global Center for Food Systems
Innovation (GCFSI) is one of eight new development labs funded by USAID in
their Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN). Through HESN, USAID hopes to
harness the intellectual capacity of American and international research and
educational institutions to help solve the most pressing global development
problems. Michigan State University’s lab focuses on generating solutions and
transforming global food systems in response to population growth, climate
change and urbanization.
The core of the GCFSI mission
is finding, incubating and evaluating new and potentially disruptive knowledge
and technology based solutions to development challenges. This request for
applications (RFA) is seeking applicants who can help create innovation in the
global food system.
For this inaugural competition,
the GCFSI is seeking to increase collaboration, catalyze the formation of
multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional teams and build connections within
the HESN and other institutions while building capacity for understanding
challenges in global food systems.
Please note that this is a call for two-page concept
notes to address a question(s) that start on page 6 of the attached RFA.
Many of these questions are multidisciplinary, so please consider that as you
encourage people or groups to apply. The Center anticipates funding five (5)
grants with up to $100K per grant.
The concept notes are due on September 10, 2013.
Please submit applications to:
MSU anticipates awarding up to
5 grants with a value of up to $100,000 each.
More information available