Submission – William T. Grant Foundation - Scholars Program; July 6, 2017
William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising
early career researchers in tenure-track positions. The program funds five-year
research and mentoring plans that significantly expand junior researchers’
expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas. Recognizing that
early-career researchers are rarely given incentives
or support to take such risks, this award includes a mentoring component, as
well as an emphasis on community and collaboration. The Foundation’s focus
areas are:
must have received their terminal degree within seven years of submitting their
application. In medicine, the seven-year maximum is dated
from the completion of the first residency.
Amount/ Project Period: up to $350,000 over five years
Link to Funding Opportunity Announcement
1 per major division of the university (e.g., college
or school in any discipline). If an institution nominates more than one
applicant, a central administrative officer (OSPA director) must submit
confirmation that the applicants represent distinct schools or major divisions
(e.g., College of Arts and Sciences, Medical School, major division of a
nonprofit) of the institution. Please contact Kim
Because the William T. Grant Foundation will accept only one application from
each college, individuals interested in
submitting an application should contact their Associate Dean for Research for
information on their college’s internal deadlines and procedure.
questions, email the limited submission mailbox ( or call 257-2861.
Deadline: July 6, 2017