Funding-ACF -
National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning; July 20,
of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families - OHS
Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Head Start (OHS) in
partnership with the Office of Child Care (OCC) announces the availability of
an estimated $14,000,000 to be competitively awarded for a National Center on
Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning (the Center). The Center
will disseminate high quality research informed resources and provide training
and technical assistance associated with healthy development and school
readiness for infants, toddlers and preschool children (birth to five) across
all settings and program options. The Center’s work will include, but not be
limited to, professional development for the infant/toddler and preschool
workforce; evidence based curriculum; early learning standards; effective
transitions; screening and assessment; culturally and linguistically age
appropriate practices; enhancing teacher/child interactions; supporting
networks of infant/toddler practitioners; supporting children with disabilities
(part C and part B); and using data to improve practice. Training and technical
assistance (T/TA) will be delivered to Head Start/Early Head Start agencies,
state child care agencies, and other early care and education settings across
regions, States, tribes and territories. In addition, the Center will maximize
the use of previously developed web-based material and resources that are
consistent with OHS and OCC national messages. The Center will work
collaboratively and cooperatively with the other OHS and OCC National T/TA
Centers and ACF regional offices. Because of the complex work the Center will
conduct, the grantee will be expected to bring together a consortium of
knowledgeable partners within the field of early childhood development,
teaching and learning. The Center's work should be research/evidence informed
as well as practical in application by way of training and technical assistance
within the field of early childhood development, teaching, and learning.
20, 2015
to Full Announcement
Sharon Yandian
(888) 242-0684