Department of State – Promoting Study Abroad Focusing on Health and Nutrition;
October 31, 2014
In support of the goal of achieving 100,000 students
studying abroad annually in each direction by 2020, Partners of the Americas,
NAFSA: Association of International Educators, and the U.S. Department of State
are working together to increase opportunities for academic mobility between
the United States and the countries of the Western Hemisphere.
This grant competition, with a focus on programs
that positively address challenges of obesity and that emphasize the importance
of physical activity, is supported through a generous contribution from
Founding Circle Partner, the Coca-Cola Foundation. Higher educational institutions (HEIs) in the
United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela that
promote study abroad or exchange programs in these fields are eligible to
compete. This competition will use the principle of leveraged innovation with
HEIs that demonstrate the greatest commitment and innovation toward increasing
study abroad between the United States and countries in the Western Hemisphere.
HEIs will be asked to demonstrate how they will assert leadership to implement
the innovations proposed, address on-campus barriers to academic mobility and
how they will to commit to making concrete changes to expand access to study
The intent of the competition is to award up to
eight (8) 100,000 Strong Americas Innovation grants of $25,000 each to HEIs in
the Western Hemisphere.
Sharing: There is no
minimum or maximum percentage required for this competition. However,
applicants are strongly encouraged to provide cost sharing and additional funding
from private sector partners in support of its proposed activities.
Submission: Each higher
education institution may apply once to this competition.
See the complete solicitation for additional details
and requirements:
Notification: Due to the organizational limits for this
RFP, interested applicants must send the Proposal Development Office ( a
brief project overview as a statement of their intent to apply (1/2 – 1 page)
by Thursday, September 25, 2014.
If cost sharing will be offered, include an
estimated budget with match and potential sources of funding for that match. Note:
Because of ongoing commitments, the Office of the Vice President for Research
is unable to provide matching funds.
Deadline: The Department of State deadline is October 31, 2014.