HHMI Professors – New
Awards for Science Education; July 1, 2016
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
has announced a new competition that provides five-year nonrenewable grants
totaling $1 million each to 15 HHMI Professors in support of their
undergraduate science education activities.
In addition to the grants to individual professors, this initiative
includes an option for teams of two eligible scientists from the same
institution to apply for collaborative awards, with each team award totaling
$1.5 million over five years. The
University of Kentucky is one of 115 research institutions invited to submit
eligibility requirements:
Applicants must be full time tenured faculty
members of a baccalaureate degree-granting natural science department
(biological/life sciences, chemistry/biochemistry, physics, earth/geosciences,
astronomy. Applicants from a non-natural
science department (i.e., computer science, mathematics, and engineering) will
be considered if their research has direct impact on a natural science field.
Be currently appointment full time and will
have held that appointment in their current home department for a least three
consecutive years.
Have an assigned role in the development or
implementation of the undergraduate curriculum in their home department as part
of their faculty appointment responsibilities (teaching undergraduate courses,
chair of the department curriculum committee, etc.).
Be an accomplished research scientist as
evidenced by being principal investigator of one or more active, national,
peer-reviewed research awards of at least three years’ duration, such as an NIH
R01 grant, an NSF research grant, or an American Cancer Society research grant.
Mentored awards, career development grants, and training grants do not qualify.
Prospective applicants must submit an Intent to Apply online at
by the deadline of July 1, 2016. Eligible applicants will be invited to submit
an application before October 6, 2016 on the competition website. The longer application will require:
curriculum vitae and current and pending
research support;
statement of applicant’s significant
scientific achievements;
statement of applicant’s significant
achievements in undergraduate science education;
narrative detailing how the proposed
activities will advance applicant’s research and teaching goals, incorporate
evidence-based practice, and impact science education within the applicant’s
department, home university, and broader scientific community. Two applicants
may link their applications in order to collaborate on a single project;
statement of how the appointment as HHMI
professor will enhance the applicant’s identity as a scientist-educator and
empower her/him to be an advocate for effective science education;
up to two scientific publications;
proposed budget.
More information about this Program including
the competition announcement booklet is posted on the HHMI website: