Funding-Limited Submission – U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development – McKinney-Vento Homeless Management Information
System (HMIS) Technical Assistance and Research;
May 2, 2013
purpose of the HMIS-Technical Assistance and Research program is to provide
technical assistance to achieve the highest level of performance and results for
the implementation of Homeless Management Information Systems in each Continuum
of Care, including operation and management of the software, and data
collection and research for Annual Performance Reports and the Annual Homeless
Assessment Report.
has established a $750,000 award minimum for successful HMIS-TA
applications. Awards will be for a period of 36 months.
full announcement can be accessed at:
may submit only one (1) application for HMIS-TA funds.
HUD allows an applicant to only submit one application, the University of
Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Individuals
interested in submitting to this program are to submit the following materials
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to
their Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, May 2, 2013.
and department of the Principal Investigator and other project personnel
Overview (maximum 2 pages) – a) specify which of the five eligible activities
the project will address (needs assessment, direct TA, materials/tools
development, group learning delivery, HMIS Data Lab operation); and b) briefly
describe the goals and objectives and how they will be achieved.
Vice President for Research will appoint a committee to review this material
and make recommendations. The federal deadline is May 21, 2013.
about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of
the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).