Funding-Limited Submission –
HRSA – Rural Health Research Center Cooperative Agreement -HRSA 12-164; March 26, 2012
Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP), Health Resources and Services Administration
(HRSA), is providing funding to organizations to support the Rural Health
Research Center (RHRC) Cooperative Agreement Program. Recipients of cooperative
agreements will establish RHRCs which conduct and disseminate policy relevant,
rural health services research on issues of national significance with a
specific topic of concentration. Approximately $4,620,000 will be available
each year to fund seven (7) recipients. Each center may apply for a ceiling
amount of $660,000 per year for a 4-year project period. Funding beyond the
first year will be subject to the availability of appropriations, satisfactory
performance of the grantee, and a determination that continued funding is in
the Federal Government’s best interest. Four research projects are conducted
each year. Each RHRC must produce studies where 2 of the 4 studies are within
the RHRC’s specific topic of concentration or expert area and the other topics
may be outside of the RHRC’s topic of concentration. The RHRC must be led by a
principal investigator who has a substantial research background (at least five
previously published rural-relevant publications) on the RHRC’s topic of
concentration. Recipients will examine critical issues facing rural communities
in their effort to secure adequate, affordable, high quality health services.
Research findings will inform rural stakeholders and policy-makers interested
in rural issues at national, state, and local levels.
(scroll down to “download information)
Institutional Limit: Multiple applications
from an organization are not allowable.
Internal Competition: Because the Health Resources
Services Administration limits the number of proposals to one
application per organization, the University of Kentucky has established
an internal selection process. Prospective applicants interested
in responding to this program should send a pre-proposal with the following
information to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Monday, March 26, 2012:
Brief abstract of
project to include the objectives, activities, and work plan (1-2 p. max)
committee will be appointed to review the information and make a
recommendation. The HRSA deadline is April 13, 2012. Questions
about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of
the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663).