Submission – Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) – Early
Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Building Health Through
Integration (HRSA-13-177); March 20, 2013
Maternal and Child Health Bureau is accepting applications for programs to
improve the healthy physical, social, and emotional development during infancy
and early childhood; to eliminate disparities; and to increase access to needed
early childhood services by engaging in systems development, integration
activities and utilizing a collective impact approach to strengthen communities
for families and young children and to improve the quality and availability of
early childhood services at both the state and local levels.
Applicants have the option to plan, if necessary, and implement one of three
Mitigation of toxic stress and trauma in infancy and early childhood across two
or more early childhood systems (e.g., health, child care, home visiting,
parenting education, etc.); or
Coordination of the expansion of developmental screening activities in early
care and education settings statewide by connecting pediatric and other child
health leaders with child care health consultants to link training and
referrals among medical homes, early intervention services, child care programs
and families; or
Improvement of state infant/toddler child care quality initiatives (e.g., State
licensing standards/Quality Rating and Improvement Systems [QRIS] and/or
professional development) by incorporating 10 or more Caring for Our
Children 3rd edition standards focused specially on the infant/toddler age
$7,800,000 is expected to be available to fund approximately 57 grantees.
Applicants may apply for up to $140,000 per year. The period of support is
three (3) years.
to Funding Opportunity Announcement
Limit: Multiple
applications from an organization are not allowable.
Internal Competition: Because HRSA limits
the number of proposals to one, the University of Kentucky is eligible
to submit one from each program or a combined proposal and has established an
internal selection process. Prospective applicants interested in
responding to this program should send a pre-proposal with the following
information to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, March 20, 2013:
2. A brief abstract of the proposed project indicating
the HRSA strategy to be implemented and including the program objectives,
activities, and work plan (2 p. max).
Deadline: April
26, 2013
committee will be appointed to review the information and make a recommendation.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the
Office of the Vice President for Research ( or