Submission- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) – R40 MCH
Autism Longitudinal Data Project (HRSA-14-127);
April 1, 2014
Description: The R40 MCH Autism
Longitudinal Data Project supports the implementation and completion of research
studies that examine longitudinal data on autism spectrum disorders and other
developmental disabilities to study risk factors of these conditions, the
effects of various interventions, and trajectories of child development over
the life course. The Longitudinal Data Project should address the
Physical and behavioral aspects of
development and assessment at different stages of life course development
Underserved populations, including
minority, urban or rural populations
Early life origins and onset
Maternal and perinatal origins
High risk populations
Development and course of condition
Primary prevention
Development of potential intervention
as the home of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, is interested in
analyses of rural-urban differences, where data allow.
$500,000 is expected to be available annually to fund one (1) grantee over a
three year project period (Federal fiscal years 2014 – 2016).
Multiple applications from an organization are not allowable.
Program Announcement:
Internal Competition: Because HRSA limits
the number of proposals to one per organization, the University of
Kentucky has established an internal selection process.
Prospective applicants interested in responding to this program should send
the following information to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 1, 2014:
A brief abstract (2 pages maximum) of the
proposed project.
committee will be appointed to review the information and make a
recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms.
Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)
Deadline: May
12, 2014