Submission – HRSA – R40 Maternal and Child Health Research Program (MCHR)
(HRSA-14-139); August 15, 2012
funding opportunity announcement includes instructions for two (2) separate
grant competitions:
R40 MCH Research (MCHR) Program supports applied research relating to
maternal and child health services, that have the potential to improve health
services and delivery of care for maternal and child health populations.
R40 Secondary Data Analysis Studies (SDAS) Program supports applied
research relating to maternal and child health services that utilizes
exclusively the analysis of existing secondary data. These projects should have
the potential to improve health services and delivery of care for maternal and
child health populations.
Research: Approximately
$1,800,000 will be available to fund approximately six (6) grants per year for
up to three (3) years (the ceiling amount of an individual award is $300,000
total cost per year).
Data Analysis Studies: Approximately $1,000,000 is available to fund
approximately ten (10) grants for one (1) year (the ceiling amount of an
individual award is $100,000 total cost).
(see “download information)
Institutional Limit: An institution can
submit an application under both the R40 MCHR and R40 SDAS programs, as long as
two different individuals are named as PIs.
Internal Competition: Because HRSA limits
the number of proposals per organization, the University of Kentucky has
established an internal selection process. Prospective applicants
interested in responding to this program should send a pre-proposal with the
following information to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, August 15, 2012:
3. Brief abstract of project to include research
objectives and study design (1-2 p. max).
committee will be appointed to review the information and make recommendations.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the
Office of the Vice President for Research ( or
Deadline: September
12, 2012