Submission - HRSA – Life Course
Research Network (LCRN) (HRSA-16-033); May 17, 2016
Purpose: The life course theory
posits that multiple determinants, such as health care, nutrition, stress and
supports, and environmental exposures, operating over the life course are
critical drivers of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) outcomes. The LCRN is
designed to accelerate the translation of the life course theory to MCH
practice and policy and foster its rapid adoption into clinical and public
health settings through systems integration and collaboration among entities
interested in improving MCH outcomes. This cooperative agreement opportunity
will establish and maintain an interdisciplinary, multi-site research network.
A network is a scientific forum for collaboration and infrastructure building
that provides national leadership to improve and advance the field of life course
Amount/ Project Period: Up to $150,000 per year for 3
Limit: 1
Competition: To participate in the University’s selection
process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically,
assembled into a single PDF document, to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 5, 2016:
Names and departments of the PI and Senior Project
Title of the program and/or funding opportunity
announcement number
Brief project description (2 pages maximum).
The Vice President for Research will appoint a
committee to review the material and make a recommendation. Questions about the
submission process may be directed to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the
Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663).
Deadline: May 17, 2016