Submission - HRSA - Maternal and Child Health Measurement Research Network
(HRSA-16-034); May 27, 2016
Purpose: The purpose of the Maternal
and Child Health Measurement Research Network (MCH-MRN) is to support a forum
that will create a national agenda for health measurement research by producing
an evolving compendium of available high quality measures of maternal and child
health, and by identifying gaps in existing measures for future development
purposes. The MCH-MRN will thus provide national leadership in enhancing
and developing a set of culturally appropriate health measures for: MCH
programmatic planning; screening; service provision; interventions that promote
physical and psychosocial health and well-being; and clinical decision-making
for primary and secondary prevention of disease, injury, and behavioral issues
among at-risk mothers, children (including children with special healthcare
needs), adolescents, and families.
Amount/ Project Period: Up to $300,000 per year for 3
Limit: 1
Competition: To participate in the University’s selection
process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically,
assembled into a single PDF document, to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, April 19, 2016:
Names and departments of the PI and Senior Project
Title of the program and/or funding opportunity
announcement number
Brief project description (2 pages maximum).
The Vice President for Research will appoint a
committee to review the material and make a recommendation as to the
University’s applicant. Questions about the submission process may be directed
to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).
Deadline: May 27, 2016