Funding-Early Head Start-Child
Care Partnerships Technical Assistance Support Project; August 11, 2014
Administration for Children and Families
The Administration for Children and Families
(ACF) announces the availability of funds for a National Center for Early Head
Start-Child Care Partnerships, hereafter referred to as the National Center.
Approximately $3 million is available to be competitively awarded through a
cooperative agreement for the purpose of supporting all newly awarded Early
Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships grantees. Future funding is
dependent upon the availability of funds. The goal of the National Center is to
provide training, resources, and materials to federal staff, Office of Head
Start (OHS) Regional training and technical assistance (T/TA) providers, State
Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) Administrators, and Office of Child Care
(OCC) Child Care Technical Assistance Network (CCTAN), as well as to
orientations and state cluster trainings that support and promote
implementation of quality services and practices across EHS-CC partnership
settings. The National Center will ensure that all newly awarded EHS-CC
Partnership grantees have access to the same level of high-quality information
and T/TA in order to afford the best possible outcomes for high-risk children
living in high poverty communities. T/TA will support the highest quality,
comprehensive early care and education services for the youngest and most
vulnerable, high-risk children and their families across the country. The
National Center will work collaboratively and cooperatively with the OHS National
T/TA Centers, OCC CCTAN, and ACF regional offices to increase professional
development participation of staff working with underserved populations. The
National Center will work with these entities to implement and enhance the
infrastructure necessary to support a well-managed system of early education
for infants and toddlers at the state and local levels.
Number: HHS-2014-ACF-OCC-HT-0834
Date: Aug 11, 2014
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