Submission - Hearst Foundations Grants; May 3, 2011
The Hearst Foundations support well-established nonprofit
organizations that address important issues within our major areas of interests
– education, health, culture, and social service – and that primarily serve
large demographic and/or geographic constituencies. Within these areas, the
Foundations generally provide endowment, program, and capital grant support.
Private nonprofits with significant support from the philanthropic community
are favored over those financed through government sources.
Education - The Hearst Foundations fund exemplary institutions of
higher education dedicated to preparing students to succeed in a global society.
Preference is given to undergraduate education at medium size private, liberal
arts colleges and universities. In addition, a limited number of grants may
also be awarded to support K-12 programs and graduate level study. Our funding
interests are focused on endowed scholarships, as well as compelling
programmatic and capital initiatives that advance an institution’s ability to
provide quality education.
Health - The Hearst Foundations assist leading regional hospitals,
medical centers and specialized medical institutions, such as children's and
women's hospitals. The Foundations fund direct medical services that promote
wellness, prevention and rehabilitation. Areas of interest include cancer,
geriatrics, neonatology, perinatology, pediatrics,
women's health, and the disabled. Support for advanced professional education
and training is also considered in these fields. In response to the
ongoing nursing shortage, the Foundations also fund nursing programs designed
to enhance skills and increase the number of practitioners and educators in
this field.
Culture - The Hearst Foundations fund cultural
institutions that offer innovative programs in the arts and sciences, the
majority of which enable access for young people, thereby enriching their
lives. Our focus includes education initiatives for students in
pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. In addition, the Foundations support
programs that nurture artistic development.
Social Service - The Hearst Foundations work
with comprehensive direct-service organizations that foster effective solutions
to social and economic problems. Priority is given to efforts that enable
children, youth and families to lead productive and independent lives. The
Foundations’ interest include family support services, domestic violence and
child abuse prevention, after-school programs, youth development, literacy,
housing and homelessness, job training, economic development, and programs for
older adults.
For more information see:
one proposal from an organization will be reviewed within a calendar year. Proposals from
institutions with more than one department (e.g., universities, medical
centers, etc.) should be coordinated through the appropriate central office.
To comply with the Foundation limit of one proposal per
organization in a calendar year, UK will hold an internal competition.
Individuals interested in submitting an application should send the
following information to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, May 3, 2011:
A committee will be convened to review the applications
and make a recommendation. The selected applicant will be notified and
identified as the individual authorized to submit the proposal.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms.
Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)