Submission - U.S. Department of State (DOS) – Jóvenes
en Acción Program;
April 30, 2012
Office of Citizen Exchanges, Youth Programs Division, of the Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) announces an open competition for Jóvenes en Acción
(Youth in Action), an exchange program for Mexican high school students.
Eligible applicants may submit proposals to provide participants with a four-
to five-week summer exchange program in the United States focused on civic
education, community service, and youth leadership development and to support
the implementation of service projects in their home communities. This
program will be funded as a joint initiative between the U.S. Department of
State, the Mexican government, and the private sector. ECA funding will
support U.S.-based activities for two exchanges for approximately 35
participants each year; one will take place during summer 2013 and the second
will take place during summer 2014.
cooperative agreement of up to $350,000 will be awarded for this program.
Applicants are encouraged to provide maximum levels of cost sharing and
information can be found at:
organization may submit only one (1) proposal under this competition.
the Department of State only allows an organization to submit one application, the University of
Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Individuals
interested in submitting to this program are to submit the following
materials electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to
their Associate Dean for Research by Monday, April 30, 2012:
and departments of UK Project Director and key personnel
short description (1-2 pages) of how the program will be administered and the
kinds of activities in which the students will participate
cost sharing is offered, a budget with match and potential sources of funding
for that match. Note: Because of ongoing commitments, the Office of
the Vice President for Research is unable to provide matching funds.
committee will be appointed to review the information and make a
recommendation. The Dept. of State deadline is May 17, 2012.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the
Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).