Funding-Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI) Request for Proposals; October 25, 2010
The Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute announces a request for research proposals for its 2011-2012 104B program. This program, funded through the U.S. Geological Survey, will once again be targeted toward supporting water-related research efforts conducted by students at universities in Kentucky.
KWRRI anticipates awarding several (5-10) student research enhancement grants of up to $5,000 in the area of water resources. Proposals are due in the KWRRI office by no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 25, 2010. Awards will be announced by KWRRI in early 2011. Funds are currently expected to become available in March or April 2011. However, federal funding remains contingent upon final approval of support provided by Congress through the USGS for the Institute program. Delays are possible.
Applications proposing to support students at any university in Kentucky doing water resources-related research applicable to conditions in Kentucky are eligible and encouraged. This program can support either ongoing studies or new research projects.
New faculty members are especially encouraged as well as new lines of research for more established faculty members. Faculty applicants from regional universities receive special consideration during the selection process.
The intent of this competitive grants program is to strengthen student research and education programs related to water resources. The program provides an opportunity for students to assist in preparing, submitting, and implementing a competitive grant (many for the first time). Student support will be provided only once (students funded through previous proposals can not receive additional support, but currently funded faculty members may apply to support a different student in 2011-2012).
Proposed research can deal with a wide range of topics such as conservation and management of water resources, surface water, groundwater, wastewater, stormwater irrigation, drinking water, watersheds, water policy, water quality, water marketing, geographic information systems, computer modeling, aquatic ecosystems, environmental flow needs, and riparian issues. Proposals on all water-related concerns in the Commonwealth can be considered, however research on health effects involving human subjects is excluded.
Proposals should strengthen the research efforts of a student (either undergraduate or
graduate) attending a Kentucky university. It is suggested that funds be utilized for student summer research support in order to expend the resources in a timely manner.
Proposals should be developed by the faculty member seeking support through this grant program in collaboration with their student(s). Faculty applicants will be considered the Principal Investigator and should insure that the specifications listed in this RFP are met.
Proposals not meeting the specifications will not be reviewed or selected.
A maximum of $5,000 may be requested. Grant funds may be used for student salary, travel, equipment, lab materials, supplies, analytical devices, services, or other items that improve the quality of the student's research experience. Funds may not be requested for student tuition and fees or for major equipment purchases.
Grants require a 2:1 match with non-federal funds ($2 of non-federal funds to match each
$1 of federal funds provided through KWRRI). University of Kentucky investigators should provide a copy of the fully signed Internal Approval Form and a fully singed copy of the Conflict of Interest statement to the Institute. A letter of commitment signed by an official authorized to commit matching funds for institutions other than the University of Kentucky must similarly be provided with each proposal from other campuses. All commitments for matching should be received by the Institute within 2 weeks after the proposal due date.
Indirect costs may not be charged to federal funds, but since they must be waived by the student's institution, they can be used to help meet the 2:1 matching requirement.
In addition to waived institutional indirect costs, the 2:1 match can include salaries, wages, and fringe benefits of faculty advisors and students; other direct funding provided by nonfederal sources; lab expenses; supplies furnished by the student's department; and research assistantships provided by non-federal sources through the university in support of the specified project activities.
Deliverables: Projects will be required to submit a brief mid-year progress report (September 2011). A final project report is also required. All students will be expected to present their results at the annual water resources symposium (March 2012). They may also be provided an opportunity to report the results of their research efforts through the Institutes newsletter or web site. Copies of any student thesis or dissertation resulting from the project and any manuscripts submitted for publication as journal articles must also be provided to the Institute as deliverables.
When submitting proposals, please provide the telephone number, postal address, and email address of all project participants (both student and faculty advisor).
Projects submitting a signed letter of support from their university regarding matching funds approval may submit it by fax at 859-323-1049 followed by the original signed copy by regular mail. University of Kentucky investigators should provide a copy of the Internal Approval Form and Conflict of Interest Form to the Institute. Proposals must be submitted following the specified format via email (Word document attachment only) to Jim Kipp at
If you have any questions about this RFP, please contact: Jim Kipp, Associate Director
Voice: (859) 257-1832
Fax: (859) 323-1049