Alert - Update on Kentucky Commercialization Fund; September 30, 2012
Notice -- Soon-to-be Issued Solicitation for New Funding Opportunities in the
Kentucky Commercialization Fund Program (KCF-014)
The Kentucky
Science and Technology Corporation (KSTC) announces
that a new Request for Proposals (RFP) under the Kentucky Commercialization
Fund (KCF) Program will be issued on or shortly after August 1, 2012. Funding
will be available for an individual award size not to exceed $75,000 per annum
to help commercialize the technologies developed through R&D at
universities. The proposals targeting to conduct research and development will
not be considered for funding.
The purpose
of this advance notice is to alert potential applicants of the upcoming
competitive funding opportunity through COMMFUND-12-RFP-014 (KCF-014), and to
give potential applicants sufficient time to prepare to respond to the
solicitation. A mandatory pre-proposal is to be submitted online. Full proposal
invitations will be made after face-to-face interviews with pre-proposal
applicants. Face-to-face interviews will be scheduled soon after pre-proposal
submission (8AM and 5PM in Lexington). Technologies with a high technical and
business merit which may potentially be commercialized within a year may
out-compete technologies that are not ready and may require longer
commercialization period. The KCF funding under this solicitation shall not
exceed 24 months. The definition of 'commercialization' for
the purpose of this program means technology transfer from the awardee
institution to an existing business or to a new spin-off company.
This round
of funding, COMMFUND-12-RFP-014 (KCF-014) will be open ONLY to scientists and
engineers from Kentucky universities, private colleges and other post-secondary
institutions. Applicants from Kentucky comprehensive universities and
independent colleges are encouraged.
Please feel
free to share this advance solicitation announcement with others.
Instructions, Deadlines and Submission Instructions available online at