Submission – USDA – National Clean Plant Network (USDA-GRANTS-090915-001);
November 18, 2015
Description: The National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) provides high quality, asexually
propagated plant material free of targeted plant pathogens and pests that cause
economic loss to protect the environment and ensure the global competitiveness
of specialty crop producers. Priorities for this program include: 1)
establishing and supporting clean plant network governance and related
administrative and support systems; 2) providing for operations needed for the
rapid and safe introduction, diagnosis, treatment, foundation block
establishment and release of clean plant materials for planting from foreign
and domestic sources for commercial development; 3) conducting methods development
to accurately test, develop therapies, and support the establishment of
guidelines and standards for different crop species for certification
maintenance; 4) developing partnerships with land-grant and other
university-based extension and outreach services to interact with commercial
nurseries, industry associations, and producers; and 5) developing and
implementing audit and quality controls.
Limit: An Applicant may submit only one application
and/or be a third party in an application submitted by another entity. If an Applicant is a member of or covered by
more than one NCPN specialty crop governing body (specialty crop clean plant
network) and applying for support for activities on specialty crops covered by
more than one network, a single application should be submitted to cover the
expense of all clean plant activity.
Internal Competition: To participate in
the University’s selection process, researchers are to submit the following material electronically, assembled into a single
PDF document, to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for
Research by Tuesday, October 6, 2015:
· Names and departments
of the PI, and Senior Project Personnel
· Title of the program
and/or funding opportunity announcement number
· Brief project
description (2 pages maximum).
Vice President for Research will appoint a committee to review the material and
make a recommendation as to the University’s applicants. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in
the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).
USDA Deadline: November 18, 2015